Vehicle-mounted information system focusing on personalized human-computer interaction will become a reality

本站 本站 2013-09-16 292
With the continuous improvement of global automobile production, the development of vehicle-mounted information and communication systems is extremely rapid, attracting upstream and downstream manufacturers to accelerate the layout, it is expected that2015The output value of the global vehicle information system can reach71.6Hundreds of millions of dollars。China Electronics News and the Vehicle Information Service Industry Application Alliance jointly launched the topic of vehicle information and communication system, inviting industry experts, representatives of mainstream terminal and semiconductor manufacturers to discuss the market, application, technology hot spots and trends of vehicle information and communication system。(详见910版)
  Vehicle information services are mainly used in intelligent transportation, medical emergency, logistics and transportation and many other fields, in addition to the above areas, passenger cars are an urgent field to be developed。Safe and convenient vehicle information services will change the way people use cars, such as key navigation, voice control, collision automatic help, SMS and so on。Under the promotion of car manufacturers, parts manufacturers, telecom operators and telematics service providers, this year's vehicle navigation information system presents a trend of portability, communication and entertainment three applications integration, of which the popularity of vehicle voice recognition technology has accelerated the integration of the three applications。In addition, vehicle diagnosis, vehicle condition analysis, location navigation is still the mainstream demand, but because of vehicle diagnosis and vehicle condition analysis, car manufacturers need to openCANBus, at present can only be led by the car factory, supporting enterprises are temporarily difficult to enter the field。
  Mobile devices can be connected to the car  In the long run,3GTechnology application is the best way to combine cloud computing with automotive information system in the future。
  GPSWireless access technology, cellular communication technology(2G/3G)The three access technologies represent the three application levels of the vehicle information system platform.GPSIn the future, it is mainly used in vehicle navigation, vehicle anti-theft, emergency rescue and other car security services, which is a basic need。Wireless access technology is suitable for in-car mobile terminal integration and resource sharing, which is a regular requirement。目前,GPSAnd wireless access technology has been popularized, and there is a relatively clear business model, car manufacturers, car manufacturers in the chip support is very mature。3GThe technology mainly meets the vehicle communication, information and entertainment services, which belong to the personalized consumption needs。Due to our country3GThe technology has not yet been widely popularized, the tariff is relatively high, and the vehicle is mounted3GApps are still in the early stages of development and lack a killer business model, so there is a long way to go, but in the long run,3GTechnology application is the best way to combine cloud computing with automotive information system in the future。  The hardware and software platform is considered mainly for the following factors: sustainable product development capabilities,This includes the use of products closer to the trend of The Times and adapt to the continuous change of users' aesthetic concepts;Reliable product quality,Voice recognition technology has high requirements for call quality and noise resistance of products.Perfect after-sales service,Excellent product experience is an important factor for vehicle navigation information system to win customers,It can effectively promote and promote the secondary sales and user stickiness of car audio network products。  The software platform is based on the voice recognition cloud platform independently developed by the car audio network. The voice search engine based on vertical algorithm is the only voice platform in China that has a recognition rate exceeding that of vehicle noise and high-speed car driving90%Platform of。  The service platform consists of a voice database based on natural language recognition, artificial intelligence and knowledge base of the car audio network, integrates outstanding third-party application resources in the industry, and meets users' needs for rich in-vehicle information applications through voice recognition commands。  In the future, the software and hardware platform will be a total solution, integrating a variety of network applications, a variety of mobile intelligent devices can be compatible with the car interconnection, and through the car speaker to play out the user needs, and every piece of information and needs are customized。
  There are three breakthroughs in the service model  At present, there are different models of vehicle information services, and China's market needs differentiated service models。