From the United States "prism door" to see the network security problems faced by video conferencing

本站 本站 2013-09-26 241
With the increasing maturity of video conferencing technology, video conferencing is emerging in practical applications, expanding in scale and deepening in application。On the one hand, video conferencing products come from the user group's more segmented and diversified needs for traditional conferences;On the other hand, traditional hardware conference providers can not break through the bottleneck of high-end prices, can not get the favor of enterprise users。Due to the outbreak of the European debt crisis and the rising prices of energy and raw materials, the competition of enterprises has intensified, the survival pressure has increased sharply, and the requirement of reducing management costs and improving efficiency has become more and more urgent。Therefore, more and more multinational enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, educational institutions, medical institutions and government departments are increasingly advocating green office and remote cooperation。The whole society's demand for network video conferencing is more and more urgent, and the market demand potential is huge。
Under the good development situation of video conferencing, users have put forward higher and higher requirements for video conferencing developers, in addition to having the functions of traditional hardware conferencing equipment, but also need to truly:
First, easy to use
With the advent of the cloud era, video conferencing applications are no longer simple information communication tools, but began to integrate into various functional departments of the government and large enterprises。And too complex operation will increase the user's use burden, resulting in low use efficiency, reduce the practical value。Whether it is large enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises or individual users, although their needs for video conferencing systems are different, but the need for ease of use is the same。Professional analysts also point out that ease of use is critical to driving the adoption of video communication products in the enterprise market。
Two, moving
With the popularity of various Internet devices,Video conferencing must support Windows (XP, Vista, Windows 7),Linux,iOS,Android and other operating systems,Support PC, mobile phone, tablet and other terminals,Support Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Tencent browser, roam browser, 360 browser and almost all browsers。Although mobile video conferencing is still in its infancy, but the road is tortuous, the future is bright, under such a favorable premise, the future, mobile video conferencing will become the mainstream mode of communication。
However, in recent years, new technology and new applications have developed rapidly, which has also brought many unknown risks to the information security of enterprises and units。In particular, the recent "Prism gate" and the Snowden incident in the United States have made us feel that China's network security has reached a very dangerous point。Rising security experts explained, "For example, the closest to life is smart phones, hackers or corporate insiders can use the camera and microphone of smart phones to monitor the entire internal information of enterprises.。At the same time, as a mobile terminal device, the mobile phone can use its own network to upload the monitored information to the Internet at any time。Therefore, even if you do not access the enterprise Intranet, hackers, corporate insiders and the intelligence departments of competitors (or countries) may use intelligent terminal devices to obtain confidential enterprise information。Similar to the film "007", "Mission Impossible" secret bridge, now has become a reality。
As early as the construction of the first conference television network in China, the security of video conferencing system has been raised。Since last year, the security problems of individual manufacturers' video conferencing systems have been exposed, which has also made various customers pay more attention to the security problems of the system。Especially the video conferencing system applied in the financial industry, its security issue has attracted more attention。
After years of research and development and accurate judgment of the market, Shenzhen Saispeed Technology launched the "IOMeeting conference System" in a timely manner.。"IOMeeting Conference System" is the world's first network video conference system using Ajax technology。Comprehensive and powerful, truly cross-platform, across a variety of browsers, support high-definition audio and video, text chat, file distribution, document sharing, desktop sharing, program sharing, whiteboard sharing, video playback sharing, collaborative web browsing, voting, meeting recording, etc。         
IOMeeting attaches great importance to technical safety and integrates a number of safety designs with independent intellectual property rights into its products。Achieved "five layers of protection" :
Level 1: Pure HTML - As a pure HTML product, IOMeeting's permissions are limited by the browser。No HTML web page can steal documents from a client's computer or install potentially harmful programs;
Layer 2: Full encryption - All communications in IOMeeting, including data transfers between the browser and the server and between servers, are encrypted by the international standard 256-bit SSL。No one can steal information in transit。A lock appears on the browser interface, and customers can click to view IOMeeting's security certificate;
Layer 3: Authentication - The IOMeeting server authenticates all data requests。Besides in the meeting,The IOMeeting server does not broadcast all information like some products,Instead, private information (such as private chat messages) is used in a peer-to-peer manner,Speaker key, etc.) sent to the relevant browser,This prevents a web-savvy attendee from intercepting private conversations or promoting himself as a speaker;
Level 4: Server design - The IOMeeting conference server does not store the files uploaded by the presenters on the hard disk, but only keeps them in memory。That way, even if a hacker breaks into the site, or an IOMeeting employee logs on to the server, or even if someone takes the server's hard drive, they won't be able to access the user's meeting files。If the hard drive is damaged and replaced, the user's conference files will not remain on the abandoned hard drive。The only way to see the document is to enter the meeting, and the meeting password stored in the database is encrypted。The meeting moderator can ask any participant to leave the meeting or lock the meeting so that no one who knows the password can join the meeting.
Layer 5: Intranet installation - For large customers, if required, the entire IOMeeting system can be installed in the user's Intranet and firewall。IOMeeting uses standard networking software and can be scaled up or down: it can be used as little as one server or a cluster of multiple servers。
Security experts pointed out that the "Prism gate" incident revealed that the US government has been engaged in network system monitoring and penetration of China and other countries for a long time, but it is likely to be only the tip of the iceberg of the United States' global information control。In the foreseeable future, the world will pay more and more attention to network security issues。Video conferencing as a field of network application, how to effectively deal with network information security, video conferencing software developers and vars will put forward higher and higher requirements。Driven by the popularity of smartphones and tablets, some video conferencing software developers who attach importance to the concept of network security will have an increasing market, and in this regard, Cyspeed technology -IOMeeting is undoubtedly one of the best。