I will be invited to attend the opening banquet to celebrate the 134th China Import and Export Fair and the first Trade Chamber of Commerce Guangzhou Exchange meeting

本站 本站 2023-10-19 234

       On October 15, Guangdong Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce), Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) and Guangzhou Bureau of Commerce jointly held the opening banquet to celebrate the 134th China Import and Export Fair and the first Trade Chamber of Commerce Guangzhou Exchange Meeting。This activity includesLeaders of relevant provincial and municipal departments, as well as friends from national industry associations, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area business community, representatives of foreign and private enterprises, etcMore than 700 people attended。I attended the event on behalf of Deputy Secretary-General Yang Junyi。

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The meeting pointed out that the China Import and Export Fair has made remarkable achievements since its establishment 67 years ago。Presenting new changes and new highlights, the 134th Canton Fair is a grand event with unlimited opportunities and full confidence, a grand event that builds on the momentum, builds on the past and opens up the future, and a grand event that comes with great momentum and returns with great achievements。Guangdong Province and Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce actively seize the opportunity of the trade fair, organized the first trade chamber of Commerce Guangzhou exchange meeting, expand the breadth and depth of industry cooperation, rich content, remarkable results。当前,广东全省上下正按照习近平总书记的战略指引,围绕落实省委“1310”具体部署,扎实推进中国式现代化的广东实践。It is hoped that entrepreneurs will seize historical opportunities with a more active attitude,The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area's unique policy resource advantages are "grafted" through capital, technology, management and market channels,Deeply involved in the development of the Greater Bay Area,Achieve mutual benefit and win-win results;Take up the mission with more firm confidence,Actively participate in the high-quality development of Guangdong,Unswervingly follow the path of industrial service to the country and independent innovation,To better help Guangdong's modernization, while achieving first-class cause and striving for first-class enterprises;We will promote opening-up and development with a broader vision,Take the Canton Fair as an important opportunity,Make good use of both domestic and international markets and resources,Expand business footprint on a global scale,We will unswervingly help Guangdong open up at a high level,Glow to continue to walk in the forefront of the new era of Guangdong new atmosphere。 

Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Vice Chairman of Guangdong Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chairman of Wen's Food Group Co., LTD Wen Zhifen

Huang Wenzai, honorary President of Guangdong General Chamber of Commerce, Vice Chairman of Guangzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chairman of Star River Bay Group

Member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Chairman of the Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Xinhua Group

 Vice Chairman, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Macau Huang Guosheng

Member of the Standing Committee of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Minister of United Front Work Department Wang Ruijun

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This activity isThe first Chamber of Commerce Guangzhou Exchange Conference will build a platform for cross-boundary, cross-regional and cross-field exchanges, effectively promote the deepening cooperation among the industry, collaborative innovation in the industrial chain and exchanges and docking between different industries, and promote the sharing of resources, sharing of opportunities, collaborative innovation and win-win cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao business associations。The first Chamber of Commerce Guangzhou Exchange will rely on Guangzhou's advantageous industries and their industry associations, and cooperate with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, brother cities and the whole countryRepresentatives from 10 categories and more than 150 trade associations gathered in Guangzhou,Led to the signing of the relevant strategic agreement,Form alliances,Promoted the successful launch of a number of activities such as Guangzhou Fashion Week led by Guangzhou Garment Industry Association, 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area "Star Glory China" original animation creation competition led by Guangzhou Toys and Gifts Industry Association, and 2023 Guangzhou Internet + New Economy Summit led by Guangzhou Internet Association。